JLaw’s leaked nudes: For men who hate women, the violation of privacy is part of the thrill

“For men who hate women, the violation of privacy is part of the thrill”, let that sink in.

The post is interesting, be sure to read it.

But it’s the title that speaks so much truth: For men who hate women, the violation of privacy is part of the thrill.

Men who hate women desire to violate them, to eliminate their right to privacy, to force onto women the presence, imposition and voyeuristic desires of those men. It thrills them, that violation, that being there, that seeing you, that force of theirs against your rights.

we hunted the mammoth

Scumbag Reddit strikes again. Scumbag Reddit strikes again.

If you’re a straight guy looking for “fapping” material, the internet is your friend. It’s awash in freely available pictures of naked women of every size, shape, color, age, or hairstyle you prefer. And if you want more than pictures, the internet is happy to oblige, offering up videos featuring women of every description engaging in every sex act you can imagine, and then some.

You might think this would be enough.

But for some straight dudes, it evidently isn’t. They don’t just want to look at the mind-bogglingly enormous selection of women out there who have agreed to pose naked, or even perform explicit sex acts, on camera.

No, they also want to look at women who haven’t agreed to have their nude photos put on the internet. Hence the popularity of “ex-girlfriend” or “revenge porn” sites, filled with pictures that are (or at…

View original post 725 more words

Castrate Rape

Over the past few years communities, and even entire states, have implemented legal protections for individuals who self-identify as “Transgender”. This umbrella term includes a variety of individuals who practice stereotypical behaviors, interests or presentation (clothes, hairstyling, accessorizing, etc.) of the biological sex opposite that of the individual’s birth.(1) The most prevalent of these are heterosexual males practicing a sexual fetish – Transvestism (crossdressing) or Autogynephilia.(2) These legal protections most frequently provide the transgender individual (heterosexual males) with unlimited access to sex-segregated facilities of the opposite sex (females – women and girls). This includes access to bathrooms, dressing rooms, locker rooms, women’s shelters, hospital wards, etc.

The argument in support of this is always that these males “feel like” women. The reality is they are not women or girls. They are men and boys.

So, women and girls are expected to simply trust men. Trust that “feeling like” a woman negates any potential for male violence. Trusting men hasn’t worked well for us over the past several centuries. And it isn’t something we should do this time, either.

Beyond “feeling like” a woman, the protection which transgender activists are quick to offer up is that these men are physically incapable of rape. That isn’t true.

Almost a third, 29% of male-born transgender, do not make any medical (hormonal) or surgical changes to their bodies.(9) These men are fully functioning males, driven by testosterone. There is nothing at all which reduces their ability, nor diminishes their desire, to have erect-penis sexual activity with women. Again, almost 1/3 of male-born transgender are testosterone loaded, penis and testicles equipped, MEN.

Of the remaining male-born transgender who do elect to have medical/surgical services, 80% of those do not have any sex reassignment surgery.(9) This represents 57% of the total male-born transgender population. They are still a physically intact male – with both testicles and penis. They are considered chemically castrated by self-administered synthetic hormone treatments – testosterone reducers and female hormones. Keep in mind that there is no state- or medical-mandated monitoring in place to ensure prescribed testosterone blockers or synthetic hormones are being taken.

Of those who do opt for some sexual surgery, which is only 14% of the total male-born population, the majority elect to have an orchidectomy, surgical removal of the testes.(9) They are surgically castrated. No testicles – they still have a penis.

25% of castrated males are fully capable of achieving and maintaining an erection after castration with no medical, no pharmaceutical, and no mechanical assistance.(3) When the male is sexually aroused, he will have an erection. This is regardless of whether the castration is chemical or surgical. Whether the castration was due to illness, accident or an elective procedure for cosmetic purposes.

An additional 65 – 70% of castrated males are capable of achieving and sustaining an erection with the use of phosphodiesterase (PDE-5) inhibitors.(4) These are common erectile dysfunction medications: Viagra, Cialis, Levitra. The same medications which are prescribed, and often provided for free, by Planned Parenthood to the transgender community.(5)

In total, 90 – 95% of castrated males are fully capable of sustaining an erection for sexual intercourse.

Men who have been chemically castrated may still produce sperm. Production often decreases, but live sperm is usually still present in semen.(6) Sperm which will still impregnate a female.

Surgically castrated men with erections are also fully capable of both having an orgasm and ejaculating. Seminal fluid is still produced by the prostate gland. The ejaculatory duct is still intact and still feeds from the prostate into the urethra of the penis. The penis still ejaculates upon orgasm. A thinner, more watery ejaculation, there’s no spermatozoa, but its still bodily fluid.

Its still life-threatening.

Multiple surveys and studies have been conducted on the high prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases among the transgender population. The San Francisco AIDS Foundation determined the Transgender Community has the highest overall HIV diagnosis rate of any group in the state of California. Almost 50% higher than the Men-having-sex-with-Men (MSM) group. SFAF estimates the prevalence rate of HIV in the male-born transgender community to be 35 – 48%.(7) A nation-wide systemic review of AIDs and HIV prevalence in 29 transgender community locations across USA indicates an infection rate as high as 68%.(8). The transgender population is 400% more likely to be HIV+ than the general population. (9)

Roughly, one third to two thirds of the male born transgender population is infected with HIV.

To summarize, 93-97% of ALL male-born transgender, including those who have been “castrated” through surgery and/or hormones still have a penis and are:

Fully capable of penetrative sexual intercourse – vaginally, orally, anally.

Fully capable of ejaculating HIV+ seminal fluid.

Fully capable of having sex with women.

Or, raping them.


(1) http://www.scottishtrans.org/guidance/transgender-umbrella/ NOTE: persons who are Intersexed or have Disorders of Sex Development are NOT transgender (see http://www.isna.org/faq/transgender)

(2) https://outofmypantiesnow.wordpress.com/2013/10/28/when-is-90-not-substantially-all/

(3) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/7861506/

(4) http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/540086_1 and http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1397768/

(5) http://www.plannedparenthood.org/health-topics/men-4285.htm

(6) http://www.transgendercare.com/medical/resources/tmf_program/tmf_program_6.asp

(7) http://hivinsite.ucsf.edu/pdf/sfaf-hiv-evidence-report-transgender-jan-2009.pdf

(8) http://www.researchgate.net/publication/6146004_Estimating_HIV_prevalence_and_risk_behaviors_of_transgender_persons_in_the_United_States_a_systematic_review/file/32bfe50e5b2828ee3e.pdf

(9) http://transequality.org/PDFs/NTDSReportonHealth_final.pdf

Born That Way

Transgender is a public, interactive phenomena. It requires the participation of others, whether they consent or not. It forces someone else’s sexual arousal-based compulsion on unwilling victims in both public places and women’s protective spaces.

Transgender is violent domination and invasive colonization.

Transgender is rape.

I was not born to be raped. No woman is born to be raped. Yet, we are certainly being raped. By men.

There Are So Many Things Wrong With This

I’ve noted the parallels between homosexual activism and transgender activism pushing the idea that people are born with specific sexual orientations or gender identities.

I think this is all a red herring. It does not matter whether a person is born homosexual or not, whether it is a matter of choice or not.

What matters is that sexual orientation or sexual choice is none of anyone’s damned business. Sex is between adult consenting parties. It is a private consensual matter. When it stops being a private consensual matter, it becomes something else.

Gender identity is not a private consensual matter. It is about roles that have public ramifications. It is about transgressing boundaries. It is about girls and women being expected to tolerate intact males in spaces where the girls are obliged to disrobe. It is about traumatized women in shelters being expected to tolerate intact males in what should…

View original post 151 more words

A Post of Her Own

I made the following comment in response to Choco, regarding Lesbians who unknowingly enter into relationships with transgender birth-males. https://outofmypantiesnow.wordpress.com/2013/06/18/was-it-rape-or-is-it-fraud/#comment-110

“It is hard for me to express the horror that I feel for any lesbian who finds she has been targeted for abuse by a male-birth transgender, at any stage of his transition or presentment.” I chose those particular words in the previous sentence very carefully, in an attempt to acknowledge both my visceral reaction to the Cotton Ceiling agenda and my own confusion over why I should feel so strongly about this.

The Chosen Words:

Me – I have always considered myself to be bisexual. I’ve had relationships which were involved enough to include sex both with women and with men. I like to think that has been a choice on my part, but further introspection indicates it was largely conditioning. My interests, personality and communication styles are all stereotypically masculine of center. That is mostly a function of my upbringing. I tend to have more in common with men, and get along better with men, than I do with most women. I prefer having sex with women’s bodies, though. Hetero-normative is easier, but less satisfying, to me. So I have always oscillated between the two, trying to find the right fit.

Being bisexual is a problem for me. I don’t really fit anywhere – I am either suspicious or suspect. Inevitably, men interpret my dual orientation as being open to a variety of their sexual fantasies. I’m not. In fact, just the thought of their fantasies ends the relationship on my part. Lesbians don’t really trust me, and I don’t blame them. I have no interest in having a relationship with another bisexual woman, either. I tend to view bisexual women with the same expectation of “You want me to do what?!?!”, which I have always experienced with men. So, I guess I don’t trust them myself. Or, perhaps I didn’t trust the young ones, those with no significant same sex relationship experience. It’s been a while since I considered this. Which brings me to my next specifically chosen words.

Hard to Express – Not only do I not fully know what I want to say, but I also worry that I don’t really have a right to say anything. It feels presumptive to admit that I have very strong feelings about this. Especially, immediately following my own statement of historical bisexuality. It feels like appropriation, that I am claiming the pain that someone else is feeling for my own, when clearly, my life path has been different, and, in many ways, easier. It is hard to identify why I feel so strongly. It is harder to find words that don’t feel off limits to me. I do not want to alienate or talk over anyone who has been a victim of male appropriation of lesbian.

Horror – Horror, horrible, horrific. They all fit. As do many other words of fright and fear. I have a visceral, physical reaction to the thought of any woman-centered-woman opening herself up, in a trusting relationship, to an imposter. To someone who has fetishized her, and reduced her to an object, in order to not just possess her, but to displace and replace her. To erase her, and write himself into her place. It is demonic possession. Cannibalistic. Woman, consumed by man.

It is a nightmare come true. If I allow myself to dwell on it, and the underlying misogyny and patriarchal manipulation which created it, I feel violently ill.

I used not to have sex without STD test results. If I ever have sex again, it won’t be without chromosome test results. This saddens me.

Finds – I believe than any woman who is a woman-loving-woman, a lesbian, does not knowingly enter into a relationship with a male. Those that think they do, have become bisexuals or heterosexuals. They are no longer lesbians. His appropriation of lesbian is no less disgusting, but it is known and accepted by those women. They are a woman in a relationship with a man. That’s not a lesbian.

I use the word ‘finds’, to indicate that true sex was previously lied about or omitted. Duplicitous actions, behaviors and words were used to obscure the truth. The advancements in cosmetic surgery have been great. There are still many visual clues to biological sex, but I can understand that a less experienced woman might would find herself unintentionally in a relationship with a post-operative transsexual birth male. Or even emotionally invested in a platonic or pre-sexual relationship.

Targeted – Men have long fetishized lesbians. Their desire to watch two women perform sex for them. Their need to insert themselves into a sexual relationship between women. Their ego at diverting a woman from lesbianism and into heterosexuality. Their fury at being excluded from the life of something, not even a some one, that they have always assumed ownership over. And finally, their envy of our creativity, our ability to create. Men spray seed. Women bring forth life.

Abuse – It is abuse to use another person for your own purposes. It is abuse to mislead and lie to another. Believing lies is very psychologically damaging. You grieve the loss of what you perceived to be the truth. You damage your ability to trust others. You lose faith in yourself. Men who target lesbians do so specifically in order to abuse them.

Male birth – Woman has a very specific personal, political and social identification. It is sex based. Biological. Chromosomal. It is experience based. Phenomenal survival of a highly sophisticated system of dedicated destruction and oppression. It is a curse and an incredible triumph.

Men are not women. Men, no matter how much hormones they take nor how many surgeries they obtain, are not women. They never will be.

Transition is a false illusion. The male inside cannot be so obtuse as not to recognize this. He is not a woman. He will never be a woman. At best, he will look very like a woman. His construction of an artificial shell in which to hide underscores his duplicity. He intends to deceive others. Specifically, he intends to deceive them to his own benefit, for his advantage. His deceit is not done for them, it is an action taken against them.

Conclusion…. Maybe I have put lesbians on a pedestal. Maybe some are strictly attracted to the primary and secondary sex “features”, and don’t really care about the soul of the woman. I don’t feel that I have mis-judged lesbians, though. In my more attractive youth, certainly I felt some women more interested in me than our level of acquaintance and shared interests warranted. But it seemed more of a market availability attraction and less of an objectification. Lesbians comprise a very small percent of the population. In many cases, I felt like I was approached simply because I was interested in relationships with other women, who were also interested in a relationship with another woman. More of a get-to-know-you, less of an I-want-to-do-you.

But in no situations was it ever a deliberate attempt to disguise themselves and target me for abusive satisfaction of their sexualized fetish. It was never an attempt to erase me. To replace me.

It is hard for me to express the horror that I feel for any lesbian who finds she has been targeted for abuse by a male-birth transgender, at any stage of his transition or presentment.

THIS is Transgender

Transgender Law and Policy Institute estimates the Transgender population at 2 – 5% of the US population. National Center for Transgender Equality reports that only 0.25 – 1.0 % of the US population are Transsexual, persons suffering from a complete psychosexual inversion who desire to transition to the opposite sex.

The remaining 80 – 88% percent of the Transgender population are here: The Transvestites, Crossdressers and Autogynephiliacs. THIS is Transgender:

TW http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=L6fzgWqvbbk&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DL6fzgWqvbbk Violated

use women’s locker rooms http://www.katu.com/news/local/132679743.html prior sex offender conviction


chase teenaged girls and expose themselves http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/Hunt-flasher-stockings/story-19217295-detail/story.html

sneak into women’s locker rooms http://archive.dailycal.org/article.php?id=110753

make indecent remarks to women in public http://www.thewestmorlandgazette.co.uk/news/8705749.print/

visit strip clubs and solicit prostitutes https://www.prisonlegalnews.org/displayArticle.aspx?articleid=21570&AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1

masturbate in public http://www.worcesternews.co.uk/news/3696762.Builder_s_m_way_cross_dress_shame/?action=complain&cid=6825989

expose themselves to teenaged girls http://www.burnleyexpress.net/news/mans-indecent-exposure-left-girl-17-distraught-1-1691611

place obscene phone calls http://www.barryanddistrictnews.co.uk/news/9479339.Barry_man_jailed_after_obscene_phone_call_to_store/

Sunbathe at public beach in frilly knickers http://news.stv.tv/west-central/275564-man-wearing-nothing-but-frilly-knickers-at-sex-meeting-spot-claimed-he-was-sunbathing/

expose themselves to runners at the park http://northcote-leader.whereilive.com.au/news/story/pantyhose-wearing-man-wanted-after-indecent-exposure-in-northcote/

feel excited http://www.blairgowrieadvertiser.co.uk/blairgowrie-news/2010/02/11/blairgowrie-man-caught-wearing-women-s-knickers-113960-25797759/

go jogging in women’s underwear http://www.ripleyandheanornews.co.uk/news/local/ripley-man-in-court-on-flashing-charges-1-5495839

wear their daughters’ panties http://www.ayradvertiser.com/news/troon/articles/2011/05/28/413587-i-am-wearing-my-daughters-panties/?mode=print

attack bike messengers http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2013-08-12/news/chi-5-arrested-2-in-womens-clothing-after-trying-to-steal-bike-on-blue-line-20130812_1_messenger-blue-line-police-officer “aggressive and dangerous”

TW http://www.examiner.com/article/transvestite-fight-breaks-out-at-san-diego-taco-joint-video

TW http://articles.glendalenewspress.com/2012-09-14/news/tn-818-0914-man-in-skirt-accused-of-exposing-himself-to-passersby-in-glendale_1_glendale-police-reports-veronicarochala-veronica-rocha

TW http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2349852/Transsexual-serve-prison-sentence-robbery-woman-jail–despite-MAN.html

TW http://www.kmtv.com/news/local/126557148.html

TW http://cnsnews.com/news/article/naked-burglar-flees-home-then-wears-womens-underwear

TW http://www.wspa.com/story/22259212/several-men-dressed-as-women-nabbed-in-savannah-prostitution-sting

TW http://www.wmctv.com/story/22778103/possible-memphis-male-prostitutes

TW http://www.heraldnews.com/news/x606637525/People-Two-cross-dressing-prostitutes-assaulted-man-who-tried-to-rob-client

TW http://www.wtnh.com/dpp/news/crime/man-arrested-on-prostitution-charges

TW http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-national/act-police-seek-crossdressing-flasher-20110325-1c9rt.html

TW http://www.heraldscotland.com/sport/spl/aberdeen/cross-dressing-flasher-hunted-1.57898

TW http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/warren-county-burglar-targeted-female-neighbors-stole-panties-police-say/article_ed5bb5dd-6765-509c-adbb-9e66fb9456e8.html

TW http://www.newson6.com/global/story.asp?s=12446255

TW http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2329663/Police-officers-son-21-underwear-fetish-broke-womans-home-steal-knickers.html

TW http://crimeseekers.net/forums/showthread.php?7656-Del-Peeping-Tom-Nabbed-Wearing-Women-s-Panties

TW http://theclipstash.com/html/sto/2012/9/bra_wearing_thief___29735.shtml?cat=dumb-criminals

TW http://www.seattlepi.com/local/article/Prosecutors-Panties-helped-police-catch-Fremont-964736.php

TW http://www.naplesnews.com/news/2011/nov/23/panty-pilferer-man-fgcu-stealing-underwear/

TW http://www.news9.com/story/20626734/man-arrested-for-flashing-women-at-edmond-store

TW http://www.nola.com/crime/index.ssf/2013/03/kenner_man_who_wore_panties_wh.html

TW http://www.pressdemocrat.com/article/20080424/news/941896011

TW http://www.examiner.com/article/sex-offender-arrested-for-san-jose-burglary

TW http://www.kcrg.com/news/local/Warrant-Sex-Assault-Suspect-Had-Handcuffs-Knife-and-Womens-Underwear-in-Apartment-146287005.html

TW http://www.romenews-tribune.com/view/full_story/9170872/article-Police–Man-stole–6-worth-of-panties-by-hiding-them-in-his-pants

TW http://www.wkyc.com/news/story.aspx?storyid=27135

TW http://sports-boards.net/forums/showthread.php/46460-Police-Search-For-Man-Wearing-Black-Bra-Underwear

TW http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=105×2057599

TW http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1415850/posts

TW http://jacksonville.com/tu-online/stories/111905/neR_20332537.shtml

TW http://www.news.com.au/national-news/police-hunt-bearded-man-wearing-black-bra-red-knickers/story-e6frfkvr-1225817439069?from=public_rss

TW http://www.southportvisiter.co.uk/southport-news/2007/08/17/bra-wearing-southport-man-jailed-for-indecent-exposures-101022-19648041/

TW http://mdjonline.com/view/full_story/22654265/article-Police–Man-wearing-dress-in-dumpster-faces-drug-charges?mobile_view=false

TW http://www.wiscassetnewspaper.com/article/police-blotter/18956

TW http://www.statesman.com/news/news/crime-law/police-man-tried-to-sexually-assault-woman-at-nort/nY9Cg/

TW http://www.wearecentralpa.com/story/police-look-for-cross-dressing-criminal/d/story/rbdrDORHd02DGE7pF_9shg

TW http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-08-16/how-london-cops-used-low-tech-version-of-predictive-policing.html

TW http://www.thisisbristol.co.uk/Pervert-pleads-guilty-sex-attacks-women/story-19612906-detail/story.html#axzz2cDQKa6Qr

TW http://www.uppermichiganssource.com/news/story.aspx?list=194550&id=932830#.Ug9DWsu9KSM

TW http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/psychiatrist-outs-her-paedo-patient-2078883

TW http://www.appeal-democrat.com/articles/county-126968-yuba-sydow.html

TW http://perezhilton.com/cocoperez/2011-04-19-english-man-poses-as-mannequin-in-womens-restroom-to-take-pictures

TW http://temecula.patch.com/groups/police-and-fire/p/man-accused-of-raping-child-wearing-her-underwear

TW Have sex in the park http://www.wtsp.com/news/local/story.aspx?storyid=280847

TW Stalk children, send sexually explicit images and texts http://www.thv11.com/news/article/276769/2/Police-arrest-cross-dresser-who-was-waiting-on-meeting-with-14-year-old

TW expose themselves at Wally World http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=y5ea03zwabk&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dy5ea03zwabk

TW http://www.universalhub.com/crime/police-dress-wearing-man-felt-need-show-people-hed.html

TW http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2012/08/meet_zorro_harrisburg_robber_c.html#incart_river_default

TW http://m.wpbf.com/Police-Man-in-women-s-clothes-leads-officers-on-chase/-/17441378/18035772/-/8u7u1o/-/index.html and http://www.tcpalm.com/news/2013/jan/07/riviera-beach-police-chase-vehicle-martin-county-c/

TW http://www.khou.com/news/Caught-on-camera-Naked-man-breaks-into-Goodwill-dons-red-dress-and-heels-147165525.html

TW http://www.abc4.com/content/news/top_stories/story/Dress-wearing-suspect-taken-into-custody-after/oFKIPbOWakWnTd4_iNLvvg.cspx

TW http://www.ocala.com/article/20111108/ARTICLES/111109711

TW http://www.clickorlando.com/news/Police-Cross-dressing-fake-nurse-targeting-elderly/-/1637132/16995996/-/tvcqc2/-/index.html

TW http://www.cnn.com/2010/TRAVEL/10/07/hyatt.crossdresser.lawsuit/index.html

TW http://www.calgaryherald.com/news/vancouver/Crossdressing+groper+sought+Kelowna+RCMP+after+several/8402082/story.html

TW http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=L6fzgWqvbbk&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DL6fzgWqvbbk Violated

TW http://www.thealbatross.ca/26843/montreal-clothesline-underwear-thief

TW http://www.portorchardindependent.com/news/19833319.html

TW http://www.knoxnews.com/news/2009/may/27/lingerie-wearing-suspect-charged-anderson-co-burgl/

TW http://www.kens5.com/news/Dangerous-SA-arson-suspect-creates-destruction-in-nighty-112095844.html

TW http://www.911jobforums.com/f66/police-searching-man-wearing-lingerie-who-dragged-police-officer-45190/

TW http://www.freenewspos.com/news/article/c/112350/today/jason-kies-of-la-crescenta-charged-with-two-attempted-kidnappings-of-women-in-san-fernando-valley

TW http://qctimes.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/tattoo-helps-identify-suspect-in-lingerie-store-break-in/article_fca67cfc-7e03-11e2-83cd-0019bb2963f4.html

TW http://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/11/26/brianna.denison.arrest/

TW http://www.foxcarolina.com/story/20047565/deputies-lingerie-clad-man-flashes-women-at-post-offices

TW http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/thunder-bay/story/2013/01/14/tby-child-porn-charges-thunder-bay-chile-care-worker.html

TW http://www.abc4.com/content/news/top_stories/story/Neighbors-nab-cross-dresser/XY2en0Ctnk-cih9g1iBhgA.cspx

TW http://www.thestar.com.my/News/Regional/2013/03/16/Malaysian-fined-for-damaging-lingerie.aspx

TW http://newsok.com/oklahoma-city-suspect-charged-in-child-porn-case/article/3393637

TW http://blog.cleveland.com/parmasunpost/2009/07/man_wearing_lingerie_facing_ch.html

TW http://www.ktvq.com/news/belgrade-man-accused-of-exposing-himself-while-wearing-womens-clothing/

TW http://www.just-style.com/news/lewd-photos-found-in-womens-lingerie-boxes_id81111.aspx

TW http://www.fearnotlaw.com/articles/article18934.html

TW grope women in public http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/scottishnews/4865144/Crossdresser-given-shops-ban-over-Perth-grope-rap.html

TW enjoy being frisked by TSA at airports http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=091_1372962838&comments=1&safe_mode=off

TW molest children at knifepoint http://www.kget.com/mostpopular/story/Transgender-accused-of-three-Bakersfield/Atl1nctBSk28KmmtwFOxFQ.cspx

TW expose themselves to teenagers at the mall http://www.thesunchronicle.com/news/man-wearing-dress-arrested-at-north-mall/article_4676e136-457e-5054-9827-a1d63948ee28.html

TW commit lewd acts on children under their supervision http://blogs.ocweekly.com/navelgazing/2013/07/christian_school_daycare_sex_c.php

TW Steal and wear children’s underwear http://www.ktvb.com/news/local/64234627.html?unconfirmed=1

TW sexually molest children http://www.reviewonline.com/page/content.detail/id/568264/Crossdressing-molester-to-spend-at-least-15-years-in-prison.html?nav=5188

TW commit lewd acts in stolen knickers http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2603678/Town-Mayor-is-quizzed-by-cops-in-missing-underwear-probe.html

TW masturbate in department store bathrooms http://www.wave3.com/story/22939874/man-accused-of-performing-lewd-act-in-public-stealing-bikes

TW break-in and commit lewd acts http://www.mercurynews.com/ci_11545514?source=rss

TW Molest children http://www.courts.ca.gov/opinions/nonpub/B235608.DOC

TW sexually accost strangers http://m.salemnews.com/TSN/pm_104190/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=sPNcsThr

TW are voyeuristic http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2011-02-05/news/bs-md-ar-peeping-tom-arrest-20110205_1_videos-crofton-man-underwear

TW flash hotel visitors http://geneva.patch.com/groups/police-and-fire/p/man-wearing-bra-and-panties-sought-for-public-indecency-at-hotel

TW expose themselves in public http://5newsonline.com/2013/08/06/man-arrested-wearing-bra-thong-at-fayettevlle-park/

TW Transgender on-off switch

TW http://www.yorkpress.co.uk/news/3679213.Lingerie_man_not_guilty_of_intentional_exposure/

TW http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2397843/Transgender-Monique-Allen-left-disabled-plastic-surgery-addiction-warns-women-dangers-quick-fixes-backstreet-doctors.html

TW http://reviewonline.com/page/content.detail/id/568264/Crossdressing-molester-to-spend-at-least-15-years-in-prison.html

TW http://www.asylum.com/2008/08/20/bikini-barista-scalds-man-in-womens-underwear/

See also the previous 100+ Crossdresser and Transvestite (Transgdender) sex crimes https://outofmypantiesnow.wordpress.com/2013/07/09/they-are-out-there/

This is What’s Coming Next


This is what’s coming… Pun intended. On our horizon at city, state and national levels, a multitude of laws and ordanances which will enable males to freely invade spaces and programs previously set aside for the safety and support of women.

Because its too late in Delaware http://www.onenewsnow.com/culture/2013/06/20/family-activist-questions-consequences-of-delaware-transgender-law

Shelters from Domestic Abuse and Homelessness will be open to men who “feel like a woman”. The population of homeless men (67%) far exceeds that of women, so on a cold winters night, who do you think will be shoving women out of line and beating them up in dark alleys in order to get in the women’s shelters? What woman who has ever suffered at the hands of an abusive man can feel safe in a “shelter” housing those men? The state of Maine says you’ll be fine. Just trust them. http://genderidentitywatch.com/2013/07/16/florence-house-maine-usa/

Massachusetts is planning to expand public accommodations for simple gender expression – restrooms, locker rooms, dressing rooms, hospital wards, women’s shelters, etc. http://www.sentinelandenterprise.com/news/ci_23639932/debate-continues-over-transgender-law Your best contact for making your views known is:
Rep. James J. Lyons, Jr
State House
Room 39
Boston, MA 02133



District Office:
12 High Vale Lane
Andover, MA 01810

http://www.leftfootforward.org/2013/07/we-have-won-same-sex-marriage-now-we-must-fight-for-trans-rights/ And also for polygamy rights and polyamorous rights so all “non-binary” loving multi-person groups can enjoy the rights and privileges of marriage too.

“It’s not just that you can go into the women’s room and just on a day say that you are a woman or a man, you actually have to have that gender identity.” Uh huh, and how do we determine that when you think gender is between your ears and not between your legs? http://www.wwlp.com/dpp/news/politics/state_politics/transgender-advocates-fighting-to-protect-publiic-accommodations

Atlanta hosts one of the largest transgender annual events in the nation. Thousands of men-in-dresses spend a week in Hot ‘Lanta, living it up as the pretty women they so delusionally believe themselves to be. Starting with “Princess Day” and ending with “The Prom” in the Ballroom. http://sccatl.org/content/main-conference-schedule/. This city code should keep them coming back for more, all year long! http://www.thegavoice.com/news/atlanta-news/6464-gender-identity-added-to-entire-non-discrimination-atlanta-code-sections Now, THAT’s Southern Comfort!

No matter what your school records reflect, medical records, how you live at home, any teenaged boy can use the girls locker room and bathroom just because he tells the school “I feel like a girl today”. He can also compete on girls sports teams and if girls don’t make the cut, too bad! http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2013/05/09/california-assembly-oks-transgender-student-accomodations/

At least someone is thinking about the women and children http://dot429.com/articles/1723-lawmaker-says-transgender-accomodations-ordinance-would-open-doors-to-pedophilia

But no, there goes the women’s sports teams at Montana State University http://www.montana.edu/news/12038/mt-board-of-regents-adds-sexual-orientation-gender-identity-to-non-discrimination-policy Self-identity protection has been added to existing sexual orientation policies. The leadership and team building skills which women develop from participating in sex-specific competitive teams can be invaluable in their career success. Women can only succeed when they develop the ambition and confidence to both collaborate and compete. Sports are a vital tool for overcoming the constant sexualization messages which bombard young women today. Learning that more confidence is gained from scoring a soccer goal than buying new and improved waterproof mascara is powerful knowledge – what you accomplish is more important than how you look. Varsity and intramural opportunities for Females will now be lost to Males. Women erased.

But of course they’re thinking about the women! After all, men-in-dresses are teaching “Women’s Studies” in New Hampshire. Or, are they!?!?!? http://gendertrender.wordpress.com/2013/03/11/transilience-joelle-ruby-ryan-university-of-new-hampshire-harassment-campaign-against-women-call-for-action/

Even the US Congress says it should be OK for anyone to dress and behave however they like on the job . http://transgenderlawcenter.org/archives/8603 You can be a Man on Monday, a Woman on Wednesday and whatever Freak or Furry you want on Fridays and a Navy SEAL on Saturdays! http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/06/04/seal-team-6-member-comes-out-as-transgender-warrior-princess/

I obviously am not drinking the right water these days. I was born female. I can look in the mirror and I can bend over and look between my legs and I can look at the chromosome test results and see that, yes, I am still female. I can bulk up at the gym, dress in elevator lift shoes and cut my face shaving, but I will still be a female. I can take synthetic hormones and get plastic surgery, but I will still be a female. Nothing can change that.

Maybe the problem is that I drink the water, not the Kool-Aid. Some realities are real, that’s why they’re called Reality.

They Are Out There

Oh yes, they ARE out there… And this is sitting on the desk of The Governor, awaiting his signature http://o.dailycaller.com/thedailycaller/#!/entry/california-is-about-to-pass-a-law-requiring-bathroom-locker,51d6d3a8da27f5d9d0f26a6a or this http://www.sodahead.com/united-states/do-you-agree-with-californias-new-law-that-forces-co-ed-locker-rooms-and-showers-in-schools-statewi/question-3685331/

Protection for Gender Expression will only exacerbate the criminal activities listed below. As men are more freely allowed to impersonate women, the incidence of flashing, peeping, groping will increase. More men-in-dresses will be lurking in restrooms, locker rooms, dressing rooms – there will no legal way to prevent it. The laws and social norms which now attempt to prevent this behavior will, instead, be criminalized. The opportunities for rape and abuse of females will increase, as women and girls will be conditioned to accept men amongst their presence in the most vulnerable circumstances. Allowing males to self-identify as female puts physically and socially weaker people at harmful, relentless risk. Males with bigger muscles, denser bones, stronger bodies and aggressive socialized behaviors will be granted complete access to smaller, weaker females.


Police Make Arrest in March Cross Dressing Sexual Assault Case

http://ktla.com/2013/05/14/da-cross-dressing-man-secretly-videotaped-women-in-macys-bathroom-2/#axzz2YYtnPDRK and http://on.aol.com/video/cross-dressing-man-accused-of-videotaping-women-517780868

http://www.wsav.com/story/22285232/cross (warning: child pornography)



http://m.wesh.com/Man-accused-of-trying-to-rape-woman-admits-he-s-a-cross-dresser/-/15560346/16480216/-/kxhp89/-/index.html and http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=QB1PV2imEPE&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DQB1PV2imEPE




http://www.anorak.co.uk/333936/strange-but-true/cross-dresser-who-raped-neighbours-pet-goat-to-death-escapes-prison.html/ Note that he wears “just panties”.

CA Cross-Dresser Arrested for Murdering Wife


http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1375032/Victim-cross-dressing-Air-Force-One-commander-raped-murdered-women-speaks-ordeal.html and http://www.today.com/video/today/39756112





http://www.thesmokinggun.com/buster/public-indecency/sundress-arrest-896032 (Note his 2nd Arrest)



http://www.clickondetroit.com/news/news/crossdressing-michigan-man-faces-child-pornography-charge-after-fbi-probe/-/4714498/20184356/-/brup9s/-/index.html (warning: child pornography)











Faux Veterinarian Arrested in Bizarre Cross-Dressing Case of Fraud



http://www.naplesnews.com/news/2009/dec/30/deputies-arrest-immokalee-cross-dresser-sex-assaul/ (warning: 4 yr old child victim)








Cross-dressing meth head arrested while watching porn










Man’s Indecent Exposure and Worse In Sears Lingerie Section







http://lubbockonline.com/stories/072209/cri_467394963.shtml (warning: indecency with a child)











http://detroit.cbslocal.com/2013/05/16/thumb-drive-found-in-park-leads-to-arrest-in-child-porn-case/ (warning: child torture)






































http://dailyridge.com/headlines-now/2012/01/17/lake-wales-man-arrested-for-burglary-while-in-a-dress/ (wearing a “maid’s dress” with genitals showing)


Was it Rape or Is it Fraud?

It certainly wasn’t a lie.  Not “just a lie” in exactly the same way it isn’t “just clothes”.   At what point does not knowing enough to say NO! to some “thing” you abhor, some “thing” to which you would never knowingly agree, qualify as rape?  His perversion was not consensual.  His hateful, hurtful, insulting femulation was not consensual.  WE did not enter into this, together, as equals, out of shared choice.  My attorney can make a case for fraud, but it ultimately may cost more than any settlement I could receive.  It may cost me the assets which could be used to educate my children, to put a new roof over our heads when we escape.  I can forego recovery of damages and just lay claim to those assets.  Get screwed and take the money.  Prostitute myself.  It feels like rape.